Bulk Liquid Transport Services
Liquid Dispatch connects shippers with the best carriers in the industry to ensure your bulk liquid products are safely and quickly delivered. If you have loads you are looking to place, trust us to help you find the best match for your liquid load. We take safe and efficient liquid chemical transportation to the next level. We save you money by connecting loads, streamlining routes and load times, and organizing backhauls.
We work with carriers from all over the United States and Canada. Big, small, and in between. Carriers consistently tell us that our professional, knowledgeable, and responsive service is what makes us the best in the business and keeps customers coming back load after load. To see some of the nations top carriers who have worked with us for years, visit our carrier page here.
Never used a tank or transportation broker before? You'll save time and money by having Liquid Dispatch arrange your liquid backhaul loads.
How much idle time do your tank trucks have? How many return without loads? We make it easy to keep your trucks moving and maximize efficiency. Do you have product to move and don’t know who to trust to move it? Let us broker your next load and see the Liquid Dispatch difference.
Liquid Dispatch began in January of 1985 in a time of great changes in the tank truck industry. Many brokers have come and gone over those intervening years. Now, over thirty years later, Liquid Dispatch is a dynamic leader in the transportation community, connecting carriers and shippers across the country to provide safe, dependable and efficient transportation for millions of miles and hundreds of satisfied customers. We’re successful because we understand the chemical transportation business. We have a solid reputation based on our years of excellent performance and the honorable way we conduct our affairs. Let us show you the Liquid Dispatch Difference.